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Mailchimp Signup Form Setup

We are using MailChimp official WordPress plugin for this theme. It’s available in the WordPress.org


You will be notified to install this plugin after active this theme. After install and activate this plugin you are going to need to configure this plugin.

Navigate to Mailchimp. Here you need to put your MailChimp API key. After putting the API key status will say connected like the screenshot below.



If your status has become connected, Navigate to Mailchimp > Forms. Here you can create your customized forms.

Create a form using the code below for showing a form like our demo.


Now, if you’re editing your page with Elementor Page Builder then there is an addon named “MailChimp Form”. If you drag it in your page then you can see the name of the MailChimp Form as a dropdown. The screenshot below may help you to understand much better.

Now select Crystal MailChimp Form from the dropdown parameters. It will look like bellow in the frontend of you site.

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